Product number: 788.10

Apple iPhone 6S 128 GB Silber

Apple iPhone 6S 128 GB Silber

Display quality
Heavily used: The display has major signs of use, which can be felt with the fingernail and can also be visible when the screen is switched on.
Good: The display has visible signs of use, which can only be seen when the screen is switched off.
Very good: The display has minor signs of use, which can only be seen in good lighting conditions when the screen is switched off.
As new: The display has no signs of use.
Housing quality
Heavily used: The housing may show noticeable signs of use such as small dents, scuffs or deeper scratches.
Good: The housing has visible signs of use, which are due to normal wear and tear.
Very good: The housing has the finest signs of use, which are barely visible.
As new: The housing has no signs of use.

68 CHF

Product description

Apple iPhone 6S 128 GB Silber

Das neue iPhone 6s besticht äusserlich wieder einmal durch brillantes Design und ein 4.7 Zoll grosses Display. Dank 3D Touch reagiert der Bildschirm auf unterschiedlich starken Fingerdruck. Mit dem neusten Betriebssystem iOS 9 überzeugen auch die inneren Werte des neuen Apple Smartphones.

\nDank durchgehender Verschlüsselung der Daten, der mitgelieferten Produktivitäts-Apps und der Möglichkeit ganze Geräteflotten auf einfachste Weise zentral zu implementieren und zu verwalten, eignen sich iPhones auch hervorragend für Unternehmen jeder Grösse.


1690 mAh


12 Mpx

Camera type

Single Camera





Colour housing


Display quality

Very good

Housing quality

Very good

Manufacturer EAN



2 GB

Operating system

iOS 15 compatible

Pixel resolution

1334 x 750

Plug type


SIM type


Screen diagonal

4.7 Inch


128 GB